Technology Isolates Us

This weekend, my husband and I were relaxing on our deck overlooking a lovely canyon with our two sweet Labs. Both of us were thinking (maybe our Labs were too!) about how we missed going to bookstores. Not only to Bruno and Rosiebuy books but to enjoy a mocha, socialize, chat, meet friends, listen to an author.

Sure, there are a few independent bookstores still around, many of them specifically for used books. And I love the indie stores, after all, I’m an indie author. But, honestly, I miss Borders. Barnes and Noble stores are okay, but somehow, they don’t have the atmosphere or congeniality that Borders had. Am I crazy? Don’t answer that.

What makes this really ludicrous is I badmouthed Borders when they put the little indie bookshops out of business. Now the giant is gone and I’m complaining.

So, how do I find new books? Sometimes at a great little shop, Warwick’s, in La Jolla. Sometimes at Barnes and Noble. But very often on Amazon. Which brings me to the topic of this blog. Isolation. I spend a great deal of time on the computer. Writing, blogging, and communicating through social media. When I do, I’m alone, isolated. How can social media be social in the true, maybe old-fashioned, sense of the word?

There’s something missing when your friends are texting you, rather than meeting you or at least calling you. You’re still by yourself. You can’t see their expression, body language, their frowns, their smiles, feel their touch. Okay, you can Skype. Not the same. Always a lag time so you look like a character in the Blair Witch Project.

Think about all the technology you use today, iPhones, iPods, iPads, Droids, Macs , PCs, GPS, cameras, videocams, new-car tech systems. All the Apps that go with them. Sheesh . And all the terminology – uh, I won’t go there.

And, when you’re learning and using this technology you’re by yourself for the most part. You’re isolated for hours upon hours every day, especially if you’re a writer. Anybody out there agree?

Waaah. I’m lonely.