Facebook Fatigue
I’ve been noticing in the last few months that my incoming Facebook posts have dropped off significantly. And the ones I do see posted are LoL cats, dogs, dancing birds or other animals, or “happy” people. Has anyone noticed this too?
Holidays are fast-approaching, and this may be one reason for the slack. People are too busy, too tired, too too . . . But I think there are other reasons.
First, is the furor around FB and Mark Zuckerberg and the claim that he/they enabled the spread of misinformation during the presidential race. This is now a central focus of the Justice Department probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Second, is the barrage of political messaging that has been bombarding members since the election. Enough is enough.
Maybe there is more to this fatigue, however. I’ve noticed a general lethargy in all my social media networks. And a definite leaning toward the “light and fluffy” in postings. I’m calling this Facebook Fatigue and wondering what its implications are.
The world is changing rapidly. I don’t mean just climate change. Think about it.
Air B&B’s are competing with hotels, so hotels are offering specials for your business.
Uber is squeezing taxi cabs. Small businesses are being shut down by the big boxes like Walmart, and now by online amazons. I suppose there are advantages and disadvantages. Consumers can get products cheaper and have more choices, but possibly at the expense of worker safety and health conditions.
People are working harder and longer for their dollars today. Students are having trouble finding good jobs and, hence, difficulty paying off their college loans. So cheaper and faster products and services may be better. Maybe?
Forgive the rant. I’d be interested to know if you are facing the same situation with FB and social media as I am. Ideas welcome.