Lynne's Blog
As a science center director in a former life, my job was to show our audiences how science works, not simply to tell them. The Aha! moments made the experience real for the thousands of kids, adults, and young adults that visited. When they left, there was a good chance they would remember the scientific concept behind the hands-on exhibit.
Writing is much the same. Writers need that Aha! encounter to grow and nourish their ideas into a final piece of work. That’s what this blog is all about. It’s about MY “minds-on” adventure with words — one I enjoy sharing with readers. Whether it’s about the research aspect, the craft of writing itself, or the emotional roller coaster of putting myself out there in the public eye . . . my blog is me. Pure and simple.
I welcome your thoughts and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.
Deadly Provenance
A Glimpse into the Art World My latest book is about to come out in e-book form in the next few months (to be followed by paperback version.) Originally titled, Provenance (until a friend thought readers might confuse it with a city in Rhode Island,) Deadly Provenance...
Write What You Know
Know What You Write I’m a native New Yorker, transplanted to the West Coast. In my early writing classes I was told, “write what you know.” What the heck did that mean? I couldn’t write about Alabama or Vancouver because I wasn’t from there? When I was sixteen, I was...
The Dog Who Cried Wolf
How Animals Inspire Writing I love dogs. Most of my dogs have been Labs. Right now my two loves are Bruno and Rosie, chocolate and vanilla. They are twelve and ten respectively. Every morning we go for a walk on the sidewalks of San Diego. We used to romp in the park,...
A Tragedy in Retrospect
Some Things Cannot Be Forgotten Monday, March 25th, is the 102nd anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. The 1911 fire was the deadliest workplace disaster in NYC before 9-11. It was significant not because 146 workers died, but because it instigated...
On The Lighter Side
Teens Can Be Funny . . . Or Not I thought I would share this humorous look at how teenagers defined (or re-defined) words in a recent GED Exam. Here are a few of the questions and answers: Q. What does varicose mean? A. Nearby Q. What are steroids? A. Things for...
Who Are You Writing For?
For Love or Money Are you writing for yourself or writing to be published? Many of us will say we write because we love to write; we’ve always written, since we were very young, and we couldn’t stop even if we wanted to. We have a story to tell and we must put it down...
Who Says Bookstores Are Dead?
A Trip to the Labyrinth I was pondering what my blog topic would be this week and chanced upon this article in the LA Times. How wonderful to know places like this still exist. San Diego, my home town, is about two hours south of LA, so guess where I’ll be going...
What’s Up With Zombies?
Fading Fad or New Reality in Literature I was perusing my FB writer/reader group posts and was overwhelmed with the many books being published on zombies, vampires and an occasional werewolf (I’ll leave him for another time.) Unlike the pure science fiction creatures...
Memorable Villains
Loving to Hate the Bad Guy Protagonists are characters you mostly like or you wouldn’t keep reading (or watching.) What about antagonists? A killer who tortures their victim, cuts them up into little pieces while they’re still alive and buries them in their family’s...
Life is Not Fair. . . Neither is Death
Why Bad People Get Away With Bad Deeds The door to escape was locked. When the fire broke out in the Triangle Factory, March 25, 1911, scores of factory workers, mostly women and girls, rushed to the Washington Place exit door. What followed was bedlam of the highest...