Lynne's Blog
As a science center director in a former life, my job was to show our audiences how science works, not simply to tell them. The Aha! moments made the experience real for the thousands of kids, adults, and young adults that visited. When they left, there was a good chance they would remember the scientific concept behind the hands-on exhibit.
Writing is much the same. Writers need that Aha! encounter to grow and nourish their ideas into a final piece of work. That’s what this blog is all about. It’s about MY “minds-on” adventure with words — one I enjoy sharing with readers. Whether it’s about the research aspect, the craft of writing itself, or the emotional roller coaster of putting myself out there in the public eye . . . my blog is me. Pure and simple.
I welcome your thoughts and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.
One Author Among Many
Writing a good book is the first step. The most important one. Publishing it so it looks professional is step two. The third--marketing. I’ve read books on Indie marketing and ideas range from developing a top-notch website, creating YouTubes, or audiobooks, and...
Twisted History
I’ve heard that when writing fiction, anything goes. You can kill a character off in one book, bring him back in another. You can change locations, character occupations, family history, personality traits, hair color and even their choice of Ben and Jerry’s, from...
Is Blogging Worth the Time?
This is a reprint of an earlier blog of mine that hit a nerve with many writers. The dilemma of spending time marketing your books vs. writing your books clearly resonated and drew lots of responses. I’ve tried to practice what I preached in that post and have cut...
The Looting of Art and a Modern Mystery
A few years ago, my third book, Deadly Provenance, was published. I had originally titled it Provenance until a friend thought readers might confuse it with a city in Rhode Island. Of course it is a mystery and contains several murders, so I decided to call it Deadly...
Writing Authentic History into Fiction
My second mystery, Time Exposure, takes place during the Civil War. I wanted readers to abandon the present and immerse themselves in those brutal, tumultuous years of the mid-nineteenth century. Scene by scene, chapter by chapter. Since I wasn’t there, how could...
Historical, er, Hysterical Facts
Celebrating this July 4th, I couldn’t resist sharing some of these bloopers on American history made by students over the years. Not only are they historically inane, but the language use is scary. They were compiled by Richard Lederer, a word and language expert....
On a Musical Note. . .
As I write this, I’m listening to Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto for Violin, Strings and Continuo. I have a hard time writing to music with lyrics – the words tend to wind up on my page -- so I opt for background music, usually classical. Music is a terrific way to...
The Power of a Fortune Cookie
Instead of my regular blog this week, I decided to shamelessly toot my own horn. Hope you don’t mind. Here’s the story. . . Last week I had Chinese food for lunch. As always, at the end of the meal, I would squeeze my eyes shut and tap three times on the table. ...
Simply From My POV
Did you ever find yourself reading a book, a good book, but find that something is bothering you about it? You can’t quite put your finger on it, so you sigh, throw it down for a while then pick it up later. The story is compelling, the descriptions atmospheric, the...
Fiction Brings History to Life
152 years ago next month the brutal battle at Gettysburg was fought. In only three days, 51,000 men were killed, wounded or gone missing; 5,000 horses were slaughtered on the battlefield. I visited Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to gather details for my book, Time...