Lynne's Blog
As a science center director in a former life, my job was to show our audiences how science works, not simply to tell them. The Aha! moments made the experience real for the thousands of kids, adults, and young adults that visited. When they left, there was a good chance they would remember the scientific concept behind the hands-on exhibit.
Writing is much the same. Writers need that Aha! encounter to grow and nourish their ideas into a final piece of work. That’s what this blog is all about. It’s about MY “minds-on” adventure with words — one I enjoy sharing with readers. Whether it’s about the research aspect, the craft of writing itself, or the emotional roller coaster of putting myself out there in the public eye . . . my blog is me. Pure and simple.
I welcome your thoughts and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.
A Tragedy Revisited
The Triangle Factory fire tragedy revisited.
B.R.A.G. Medallion Award Interview
This week I'm posting my interview with Magdalena Johansson:to honor my B.R.A.G. Medallion award for Time Exposure. I hope you enjoy. I’d like to welcome B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree Lynne Kennedy to A Bookaholic Swede to talk with me about her story, Time...
A Jump-Start Outline
For me, outlining is extremely important. Mainly because a large part of the action in my mysteries take place in the past and have so darn many details, I can’t rely on my pea-brain to remember it all. I begin with my “jump-start” outline. Now, what the heck is...
Writing a Great Author Bio . . . Who Cares? You Should.
Writing a Great Author Bio is More Important Than You Think
Quick! Turn the Page!
Creating tension in your story will get the readers to turn the page.
Women, Fight Back
March 25, 2017 will be the 106th anniversary of the deadliest workplace disaster in NYC history prior to 9-11: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. It was significant not because 146 workers died, but because it instigated reform. At the time workplace safety was...
So Many Authors
With so many authors, how do you market your Indie book?
Are Dark Mysteries Today’s Fashion or Fad?
Are Dark Mysteries Today’s Fashion or Fad?
What Novel Writers Can Learn from Screenwriters
What Novel Writers Can Learn from Screenwriters
Luring the Reader In
Luring the Reader In