From TIME EXPOSURE: Did you know. . . ?

Dunker Church, famous scene of battle at Antietam, Sharpsburg, Maryland, 1863

Dunker Church, famous scene of battle at Antietam, Sharpsburg, Maryland, 1863

. . . that many believe John Wilkes Booth was not the leader of the Lincoln assassination plot, and not just a zealot who acted on personal beliefs.  Rather, he was a pawn in a larger conspiracy and was, perhaps, hired by an organization who had motives other than political?

. . . that Alexander Gardner, Civil War photographer and photojournalist extraordinaire, did indeed work in an official capacity with Allan Pinkerton and the new intelligence network that was the forerunner of the Secret Service?

. . . that on the eve of the first battle of Manassas in 1861, only one assistant surgeon was assigned to a regiment of twelve hundred men?